Personal data

Whenever you visit the website, our website for mobile devices (mobile phones and tablets), or use the “Epargne salariale HSBC” mobile app, you may be required to provide us with personal data (your name, your marital status, your economic and financial situation, and login credentials) which is likely to be subject to automated processing.

We underscore that the personal data provided when you accept these general terms and conditions as well as any data that might be required during each online session or telephone call is required to enter into and perform our agreement with you.
As a result, this data will undergo processing overseen by the HSBC Epargne Entreprise (France) Controller which all data subjects accept.
These terms and conditions explain what data is collected, the different ways in which it are used, the parties with whom HSBC Epargne Entreprise is likely to share this data and what measures are taken by HSBC Epargne Entreprise to protect their confidentiality and security.

All personal data is collected, processed and stored in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Charter put in place by HSBC Epargne Entreprise (France) which can be viewed at: